To help counteract life’s challenges, the HelpLink Personal Emergency Response System can provide a little peace of mind for your safety or that of a loved one.
“We’d like to thank you for the caring, respectful way you treat your customers. We had an accidental activation, but HelpLink and the ambulance drivers treated it with dignity. I did get an opportunity to see how well the system works even though it was a false alarm! What a blessing this service is for my mom. Thank you!”
- Joy
“I’m by myself most of the time so I feel safer with the HelpLink. Thank you.”
- Martha
“Peace of mind, priceless!! When they called to say they would change out our old system they did it. It’s great. We appreciate having an updated system. We use this system and depend on it for our son’s safety and independence. Thanks for Caring”
- John

“My mother is eighty eight years old and continues to live alone. Because of her failing health and her desire to continue to live at home, it became necessary to take "extra measures" to ensure her safety and well being. Helplink was an answer to prayer! Her "button" that she wears like a necklace coupled with her machine connected to her phone system (but most importantly, the person(s) connected to the other end of that machine) have offered real peace of mind for my mother and our family. Sometimes she tests the button (which Helplink asks her to do at least once a month) and sometimes she accidentally presses it during the night. No matter what, Helplink ALWAYS responds immediately! They do so with the utmost professionalism and courtesy; and, they ALWAYS have her safety and well being in the forefront! Helplink services certainly help me sleep better at night just knowing that my mother can seek immediate assistance if an emergency should arise! THANK YOU Helplink...keep up the great work you do!
- Joyce